The newly installed pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Whitehouse Station, frequently finds himself offering the prayer, “St. Bernadette, pray for us.”
Father Jason Pavich also said he feels that the discernment of his priestly vocation was very much based on his understanding and belief in the Eucharist.
Metuchen Bishop James F. Checchio installed Father Pavich as pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Nov. 23 at the Vigil Mass for the Feast of Christ the King.
“I want to thank Father Jason for accepting his new role as pastor here to make Christ the King known,” said Bishop Checchio, principal celebrant and homilist. “I know that Father Jason loves Our Lord very much, and he desires to share that love with you.”
Bishop Checchio also thanked the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes for their witness at the celebration and urged them to continue that witness and fidelity to Jesus and the Eucharist, even with the challenges and distractions of the world.
“The Eucharist is so important to our lives,” the Bishop said. “May Christ the King truly reign each day in each one of our hearts.”
Father Pavich said it was wonderful having Fathers Dennis Weezorak and Maurice Carlton, “both of whom served at my home Parish of St Mary and were both instrumental in my discernment and formation for the priesthood, concelebrate the Mass at my installation.”
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is named after the Blessed Virgin who, in 1858, appeared to Bernadette Soubirous 18 times over six months in Lourdes, France. When Father Pavich was asked about his devotion to St. Bernadette, he replied, “If a semiliterate 14-year-old girl in a small town in France can bring word of the Immaculate Conception to the world, what can’t we achieve through her intercession?”
Father Pavich was born in Perth Amboy to Nancy and Stephen Pavich and was raised in South Amboy, where the family worshipped at St. Mary Parish. He received BA and BS degrees from Stockton University Galloway and taught high school biology and coached baseball for three years.
Feeling called to the priesthood, he entered Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology at Seton Hall University and was ordained in 2012 by Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski.
Prior to his current post, Father Pavich served as a parochial vicar at St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Bridgewater. He also served as diocesan director of vocations and as chaplain and administrator of St. Peter the Apostle University and Community Parish in New Brunswick.
Nancy Pavich attended her son’s Installation Mass and said how grateful she was to all the people and staff of the parish for their help and support.
“I was overwhelmed by the number of parishioners who thanked us for giving our son to the priesthood so that eventually he would become their pastor,” she said.
Barbara and Raymond Grodkiewicz, parishioners at Our Lady of Lourdes, knew Father Pavich from his first assignment at St. Bernard and were happy when they learned he was to be their pastor. “His warmth and open personality are always obvious, whether celebrating Mass or just in conversation,” they agreed.
At the reception following the Mass, Father Pavich spoke about his reaction to being part of the parish community at Our Lady of Lourdes.
“You are my family. I am proud and humbled to be your pastor,” he said. “You are always in my prayers and, by working together, we will help each other to get to heaven.”