In 2022, a significant initiative emerged from a thorough analysis of the needs of the Hispanic community within the Diocese. Led by Father Gustavo Rodríguez and Deacon Edgar Chaves, interim co-directors of the Hispanic Evangelization Office, this endeavor aimed to address how to offer opportunities for the Hispanic faithful community to deepen their relationship with God.
They carefully considered how to embrace “the joys and hopes, the sorrows and worries” of the Hispanic community, with the goal of sharing the good news of the Gospel of Christ in an accessible manner. With a profound commitment to sharing God’s timeless message found in the Sacred Scriptures, Father Rodriguez and Deacon Chaves embarked on a journey to facilitate spiritual growth and support our Church in transmitting its message of love within diverse cultures among the Hispanic community. It was within this context that the idea of offering formation in the study of the Sacred Scriptures took root.
Initially conceived as a short Bible workshop, the idea evolved through conversations and with the crucial support of Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity Father Gustavo Amell, leading to the establishment of a Hispanic Bible school. These gatherings, organized according to proficiency levels, take place on Mondays or Thursdays at the diocesan pastoral center.
Approximately 80 participants who commenced their journey in September 2022, after completing nine courses of seven sessions each, are about to graduate. The dedication of both the students and the priests facilitating the program demonstrates a mutual commitment to deepening their understanding of the Word of God. The fourth group begins, comprising a total of 187 students, with the goal of continuing to welcome new participants.
Brenda Rivera, one of the students, shared her experience during the courses: “The Bible Study courses have significantly enhanced my understanding of the word of God in the Sacred Scriptures. They not only emphasize the redeeming message through the reading of the Bible but also broaden our knowledge through geographical, political, and historical analysis of the time and its authors. The opportunity to undergo this growth alongside other Hispanic brothers has been a tremendous blessing”.
The program represents a constant effort of creation, design, evaluation, and re-implementation, establishing a consistent and continuous structure. It delves into the most fundamental themes and traditions of the Holy Scriptures, aiming to equip participants with the necessary tools for a better understanding of biblical texts and to foster a critical, faithful, ecclesial, and evangelizing reading of the Holy Scriptures.
The response of the community has been very positive, especially considering that the project has been developed for two and a half years. Maintaining groups of 40 to 50 people regularly attending classes throughout the year far exceeds the initial expectations.
Father Amell describes the experience as “wonderful.” He further emphasizes, “It has been a joint effort that has required stepping out of the comfort zone, involving the Hispanic Evangelization Office team, as well as each of the professors … Despite the challenges, the experience has been rewarding in observing the enthusiasm and commitment of the participants, demonstrating the positive impact of the program on the community.”
In addition to Father Amell, the team behind the formation in the Sacred Scriptures includes Father Lucio Nontol, T.O.R., Father Ronal Vega Pastrana, and Father John Fredy Triana, each bringing their expertise and dedication to this important endeavor.