Happy New Year! Our Holy Father has proclaimed a Jubilee Year for 2025, marking the 2,025th anniversary of the Birth of Jesus. Generally, Jubilee years are held each 25 years to mark the important milestone related to our Savior’s birth. Jubilee years are meant to be a time of grace, a time to deepen our friendship with Jesus.
The Pope is calling this year the Jubilee of Hope. Pope Francis has sensed that our world has forgotten about hope, and it is needed at this time. At times, hope can be something that eludes us, as we are often tempted to put our hope in things that can end up disappointing us. We have made so many advances in our world in so many ways that sometimes we can be tempted to think we can figure it all out, so we place our hope in ourselves, pridefully.
You might recall that throughout December, during Advent, we heard in our readings at Mass about God’s desire to intervene into human history and save us. Often, as He did this, God’s message was to not be afraid. We heard that at the announcement of Jesus’ arrival to the shepherds as they were told by the angel: “Do not be afraid, I proclaim to you good news.” The same message was given to Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father, who was told to not be afraid as he encounters an angel of God while praying, and an angel of God likewise exhorted St. Joseph “do not be afraid” while telling him how the birth of Jesus would come about. Again, when the angel appeared to the Blessed Mother at the annunciation, likewise, she was told “Do not be afraid”.
All of these messengers were reminding us that God was working out His plan, and somehow and someday, in God’s time, it will be made clear to us. These powerful Gospels all reminded us of the continuous presence of God to Israel, generation after generation, sustaining the faith and hope of His people, preparing them for the miraculous day of Jesus’ birth. Through all the ups and downs of Abraham and his many descendants – in good times and in bad, in peace and at war, in their own land and in exile – God slowly and meticulously prepared the way for the coming of Christ until, in the fullness of time, He fulfills His promises. The people of Israel certainly waited, and their faith was tested at times, but hope kept them going, they were not to be afraid, they were to place their confidence and hope in God.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, salvation comes to us with Emmanuel, God is truly with us in Jesus’ birth! So, we are to rejoice and live in joyful hope! The theme chosen by our Holy Father, Pilgrims of Hope, reminds us that hope is one of the most essential characteristics of the people of God in the Scriptures, and we know that this passes into the life of the Church as well. Indeed, Christ founded His Church to be an instrument of hope in our world. You and I are the body of Christ today, the Church, so we too must cultivate this virtue of hope in our lives and share it with others. Hope is essential for us; Emmanuel, God is with us!
In each one of our own lives and in our response to God’s call to follow Him, through the ups and downs we experience personally, in our families or with friends, or as a parish or even our Diocese and Church, in our country and really as members of our global community, God is continuously working out His plan for us, sustaining our faith and offering hope, just as He has for generation after generation for His chosen people.
This Jubilee year reminds us to take the time and truly listen to Him throughout the year, as the Lord speaks the same words to us, the same words Our Lady of Guadalupe uttered to us, “stand firm in faith and do not be afraid. Am I not with you? always.” The Church urges us as we begin this Jubilee year to open our hearts in prayer more fully to Christ, so that He can fill us with His great gift of hope throughout our lives. In these days, we can hear and see so much despair and division in our world, country and even in our Church at times, too. Just as God raised up hope for the people of Israel working out His plan to fulfill His promise of a Savior, so He is doing something for us now, He is with us even now, working out His plan, and part of the amazing thing is that He has chosen us, each of us, to be a part of that plan.
Indeed, God desires to come and make His home amongst us, providing us with hope. Each offering of Holy Mass boldly reminds us that God is faithful, from generation to generation, and He will do what He promises for us as well. He comes to us, so that He can accompany us throughout our lives and bring us home to Him forever at the end of our days.
I thank you for responding to God’s call, and for all you do to build up His Kingdom in our local Church, and for being instruments of hope for so many in need of it right here in our families, with friends and throughout our beautiful Diocese. Emmanuel, God is with us; fill us with your life, love, goodness and mercy, dear Lord, so that we may be instruments of hope, guided by you in all things, and lead others to you, too, for the praise and glory of your name. God is with us; He loves us.
As we begin this Jubilee year of hope, we remember that God’s greatest desire is to be with us, hence His becoming man; so let us give ourselves and our love to Him, today and each day, and share that love with others we know who need Him. Happy New Year and a blessed Jubilee Year in 2025! Know of my love, prayers and gratitude for you, and please remember to pray for me, too.
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen