Today is the anniversary of death of St. John Paul II. He has always been an inspiration for me. I was blessed to be praying in St. Peter's Square when he died and they announced the sad news of his death to the world, as well as for his funeral Mass. He was the Pope when I was a seminarian and as a student priest in Rome. He spoiled us with special audiences and being able on occasion to attend his daily Mass. When I returned on faculty at the Pontifical North American College, he was frail, but still so encouraging to us. I know I am not alone, that he was this way for so many in our Church. His dedication to prayer and service despite whatever was going on in the world around us, He always focused us to be steadfast in deepening our friendship with Christ especially through the sacrament, prayer and in service to those in need. We pray today for his intercession for us as we face this insidious evil virus as well as other insidious spiritual evils that attack us, that we may stay focused on Jesus, our Hope. We are not alone, ever!
Know of my love and prayers for you all as we stay true to Him.
St. John Paul, pray for us!
Bishop Checchio