Father Edgar Madarang arrived at St. Mary Parish, Alpha, in March, but the parish used the Feast of Christ the King Nov. 24 to formally install him as pastor.
Metuchen Bishop James F. Checchio celebrated the installation Mass, and Father Madarang concelebrated. The new pastor said he felt his time as parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception Parish, Annandale, and at the Cathedral of St. Francis in Metuchen helped prepare him for his new role.
In his homily, Bishop Checchio recalled that the Feast of Christ the King was established in the 1920s to counteract the idea that humans control their own destiny.
“The feast is a reminder that’s not the case, it’s not true,” the Bishop said. He then quoted Pope Francis, “The attitude demanded of us as true believers is the recognition and acceptance in our lives of the centrality of Jesus Christ in our thoughts, our words and our works.”
Bishop Checchio asked those at the installation to continue to pray for Father Madarang, and he thanked St. Mary’s parishioners for their continued perseverance and witness in the faith.
After the homily, Bishop Checchio formally introduced Father Madarang to four groups that will assist him in his new responsibilities: parish clergy and staff; the finance committee; the pastoral council; and two civil trustees. Father Madarang replied to each group that he pledged to collaborate with them in the spiritual, pastoral, social and temporal activities of St. Mary Parish. Bishop Checchio then invited the new pastor to lead the congregation in praying the Nicene Creed and to proclaim his Oath of Fidelity.
Father Madarang was born in Baguio City, Philippines, and is the youngest of eight children. He has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Jesuit-run Ateneo de Manila University. After relocating to the United States, he discerned his vocation to the priesthood. Upon completing his formation at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, then-Metuchen Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski ordained him in 2015.
Father Madarang said he feels that, since arriving at the Alpha parish in March, he has gotten to know and love the parishioners and has become fully part of the parish.
Father Madarang said this is his first pastoral assignment at a parish without a school attached, but he knows St. Mary’s has a vibrant religious education program and an active youth group, and he is excited to continue his involvement with both.
Speaking before the final blessing, Father Madarang said, “I am grateful and honored that Bishop Checchio has entrusted me with the people and the Parish of St. Mary.” He thanked his family, the parishioners and everyone who worked to make the Mass a special celebration.
Many of the St. Mary Youth Group members assisted at the reception after the Mass. Anthony Campion, youth group co-director, said he is looking forward to working with Father Madarang and seeing his interactions with the young members of St. Mary’s.
Blair Talijan, a member of the parish for 40 years, said he has gotten to know Father Madarang through his involvement in various parish ministries.
“Whenever Father Madarang interacts with parishioners, he is always very open and receptive to their needs and concerns,” Talijan said.
At the end of the Mass, Bishop Checchio noted that one of the diocesan seminarians had served at the Mass. The Bishop asked for continued prayers for him and the other 19 seminarians currently in formation and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, especially in the Diocese of Metuchen.