Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Every New Year brings us an opportunity to focus anew on our priorities and try to make things better for all of us! As we begin 2021, we cannot help but reflect on how difficult 2020 was for so many in our world, nation and our Church. The pandemic has greatly impacted everyone and has resulted in people losing their jobs, losing loved ones and some losing their way. We all have faced challenges. Gratefully, this January brings a chance to start anew with resolutions and hope for a better future. This new year, I am particularly struck by events that reveal how fragile life is as well as what an extraordinary gift it is.
Each year on the days surrounding January 22, many of us travel to Washington, D.C., and to the statehouse in Trenton to celebrate the gift of life and to commemorate the anniversary of the tragic Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in our land. I always am proud to be able to join in these times to be a witness for life. I am also inspired by the participation of so many faithful people from our beautiful diocese, particularly our youth. Indeed, these events are a wonderful opportunity for us to join with thousands of people from across the country to give witness to the sanctity of life in the womb.
Sadly, this year, due to COVID-19, group travel across state lines has been made very difficult because of increased restrictions; social distancing, quarantine requirements as well as bus capacity limits.
While this year our diocese will not have buses going to the March for Life in Washington D.C., there are ways you can be in solidarity with people from across the country supporting the sanctity of life. In “The Catholic Spirit” and on social media we have been promoting local events. On Jan. 22, at 11 a.m., there will be a peaceful rally outside the statehouse in Trenton. Then at 5 p.m., I will preside at a livestreamed Diocesan Respect for Life Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral, Metuchen at which time Pro-Vita awards will be presented to two local pro-life champions. If you cannot participate in the Mass at 5 p.m., you can watch it afterwards on the diocese’s website:
Another event I want to call your attention to is a New Jersey state spiritual initiative: a Day of Prayer & Fasting on Jan, 22 for an end to abortion. I encourage as many people as possible to join in this spiritual observation that day. It will bring increased graces needed to change hearts and minds from a mindset of death to one of life. St. Paul reminds us that our true battle “is one not of flesh and blood, but rather against principalities, powers, against the darkness of this age…” (Eph 6:12)
In addition, our own diocesan Office of Human Life & Dignity under the good leadership of Father Timothy Christy, our vicar general, and Jennifer Ruggiero, director of the office, is promoting a Novena for Life from Jan. 21 to Jan. 29, and a Rosary for Life Rally Jan. 29 at 1 p.m. in Woodbridge in front of American Wellness Center — abortion clinic, near St. James Parish. I plan to join in these events, too! Please check our website for details and updates on these local events:
With the recent introduction of the sad Reproductive Freedom Act (S3030/A4848) in the New Jersey Legislature, it is imperative for us to stand up in opposition to abortion in our own state. In truth, we must do so as committed disciples of Christ. This is a proactive piece of legislation which would protect and expand reproductive rights, including abortion, should Roe v. Wade be overturned, allowing abortion up until the baby in the womb is delivered. Please take a moment to learn more about this egregious bill by visiting
I hope you will be able to take part in our local pro-life efforts this year. What unites us at these events is a reverence for the sacredness of all human life and the sense of awe — that God creates each of us uniquely, He loves us and He never gives up on us. God is indeed with us and has been guiding us through the pandemic. I have great confidence that the good people of our diocese will join together in our efforts this year. Now is a critical time to make our voices heard on behalf of all life. We must never grow tired of standing with the weakest and most vulnerable. It is our Gospel mandate. Our legislators need to hear clearly from us about the certain disaster of this pending bill against life. Let us also keep our eyes fixed on making our annual pilgrimage to Washington D.C., next year, God willing, for the March for Life. We must not underestimate our public witness at this event each year.
As I mentioned, our youth in our catechetical programs, Catholic schools and at our Catholic Student Center at Rutgers University have been very involved in the pro-life movement and I am so grateful for that! We will shortly observe our Catholic Schools week, celebrated this year from Jan. 31 to Feb. 6, and we should be proud of what our Catholic schools do. This edition of “The Catholic Spirit” highlights our good schools and I would encourage you, if you have children or grandchildren, to consider enrolling them in our schools. We read so much about the rise in the rate of depression amongst our youth in our day. Our Catholic schools teach our young to anchor their hope in Christ who will assist them throughout any challenges they face in life and set their horizon on eternal love and truth. Please support our Catholic schools and other efforts to teach our youth about the love of Christ. Our youth need to know above all else that they matter, have a purpose and bright future in Christ. Among our greatest gifts are the children of the next generation and I am grateful for all we can do together as a Church to nurture them in the faith and instill in them the confidence to let the love of Christ shine through them!
Know of my love for you and prayers for you, and I ask that you please continue to pray for me. As we begin this New Year, let us place our hope and trust in Him who will never let us down! God bless you all!
With renewed best wishes, I remain
Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen