February 2, 2024
My dear Sisters and Brothers in Consecrated Life,
Today is a day set aside to thank you, and God, for the wonderful men and women in consecrated life in our beautiful Diocese. The Diocese of Metuchen has benefitted richly from your witness and your ministries.
You remind us all that while we live in this world, our hearts should also be directed elsewhere, to Christ and heaven. We are also called to try to make this world a little more like heaven and by your acts of charity and mercy, you do this. Your leading others into deeper friendship with Christ has a significant impact on our diocesan family. Thank you!
While we are grateful for all that you do in your ministries, especially with the youth in our Catholic schools and parishes, it is through your corporal works of mercy, visiting the sick, the homebound, and those in prison, that you bring Christ to them.
Also, your assistance in shepherding our people through administrative matters, whether in the diocesan center, our parishes, schools, or other institutions, is a great service. For all that you do in the name of Christ to care for His Body, we are so very grateful.
Perhaps, even more importantly, thank you for your prayers. While all of you are so good in praying for us, I am particularly grateful for the prayers of our cloistered sisters, the elderly sisters whose health has, perhaps, been compromised, and our consecrated virgins. We depend upon them and need them!
Thank you for saying yes to our Lord when He called you to follow Him and serve Him. We are indeed blessed by your presence, your prayers, and your ministry.
Be assured of my prayers and gratitude, and I know I am joined by so many of our faithful in this, too. God keep and bless you.
With renewed best wishes, I remain,
Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA
Bishop of Metuchen